Tuesday, June 14, 2005

God is a Choice

There's a lot of responsibility that comes with being gay. After all, we are the revolutionaries who will teach others the truth about what it means to love and commit to someone whom society at large would not choose for us, and with that comes the pressure to make that relationship as successful and honorable as possible, so that others can come to understand the purpose and meaning behind it. There are many people who will never attempt to see God or any other form of goodness in a gay relationship and who will be quite content missing out on the glory, but there are others we will come across who may not expect to encounter a gay relationship that serves as a spiritual vessel and a way in which God's love enters the world, and it's these people upon whom we can have the most profound impact. The trick is actually unleashing God and letting God be active and visible in our relationships.

Think about it. Satan loves to keep homosexuals bound and gagged. When we're isolated and depressed, there's very little we can do to bring about positive change in the world. And the less likely we are to be able to decipher what God is saying to us. When we're happy and thriving in positive relationships, and when we have freed God from the chains that fear begs us to keep God in... well it's then that we become dangerous.

I have a great new friend who just came into my life in April, and we've become close relatively quickly via phone, email, and IM. She lives out of state. We both often marvel at how many similarities there are between us and how many viewpoints we share, so as Christians, it didn't take us long to agree that God had connected us for a spiritual purpose. But as we began to share more with one another emotionally and become closer friends, we unknowingly began to spend some of the energy that should have been spent on our respective partnerships, on conversations with one another. We realized this in time, but it could have become a very destructive pattern that we could have easily become hopelessy tangled up in. Two gay Christians, in solid gay Christian partnerships... we would be of much more use to Satan underneath a mountain of lesbian drama than as spouses who are committed to our respective partners, trying to bring glory to God in all that we do. We chose God.

Sometimes making the right decision isn't easy. But at least we have a choice. And when we make the right choices, I believe God magnifies the effect, so that the results in the end exceed our initial expectations and impart more goodness than we ever thought possible. Being gay is not a choice, but being someone who makes every effort--even in failure--to bring glory to God most definitely is.

As gay Christians it's quite possible that we've already had more moments of frustration and hopelessness than others, but there is no situation that is beyond repair or positive growth when we turn it over to God. But be prepared, because it's been my experience that when you choose God, God chooses you. And therein lies the responsibility.


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