Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Positive Process

I read something interesting about positive and negative energy today. The quote said, "There is no positive or negative energy. It is neutral until we personalize it."

It sure feels like the energy that exudes from people is fully charged at times. But positive or negative, it's likely linked to thoughts and emotions that push out from the center of each person, and this process is what gives the energy meaning. Energy may be neutral in itself, but the effect after it becomes personalized is nearly always colored in one way or another.

We've all had experiences with both positive and negative people. Positive people smile more, they are fair and objective, they are dedicated, and their attitude brings out the best in others. Positive people have bad days just like everyone else, but there seems to be an underlying current of peace and positive assuredness that is always present. Negative folks on the other hand seem less assured, fearful, and perhaps bitter. I know which type I would rather be, and which type I would rather be around.

As GLBT people, we're not going to go through life without being subject to some negativity. If it doesn't come from our church it might come from a parent, co-worker, or friend. But if we understand judgment and discrimination to be things that are part of a larger cycle of negativity that arises out of fear and misunderstanding, these things will have less power over us. Judgment and discrimination arise out of energy that has become personalized. If we can absorb this negative energy without personalizing it ourselves, it will lose some of its punch. Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when he told us to turn the other cheek. Owning the fact that negative energy is a product of our human processes and refusing to further contribute to these processes by turning the other cheek does not show weakness. It proves maturity.

If we go one step further and not only stop ourselves from absorbing the negative, but we also make the decision to counter the negative with something affirmative, the negative forces are further overruled. This isn't the easiest thing to do. Each time I hear Jerry Falwell condemn homosexuality (even going so far as to blame hurricane Katrina on Ellen Degeneres, a New Orleans native), it becomes increasingly difficult not to scream and throw something at the television. Although that might feel like a giant release, the effects would be temporary. I would be better off doing something productive, like responding to an email from someone who needs encouragement, or telling Angela how much I love and appreciate her just for the heck of it. We don't have to internalize the hate. If we don't internalize it, it doesn't have power over us. And if we allow it to motivate us to do positive things, the overall effect is one that the haters could never have imagined. Good can be magnified just as quickly as evil.

Personalized positive energy encourages and inspires. It doesn't encourage a bad singer to try out for American Idol--that's something different entirely. Blowing meaningless smoke to avoid hurting someone's feelings doesn't count. But personalized positive energy does fully envelope a person in the moment, right where they are, and it affirms that his or her experience is valid. It is willing to discover beauty in unexpected places. It knows that it may not always be correct. And it grows exponentially.

I had lunch with a new friend today who exudes positive energy. Even though she's human and she goes through struggles just like the rest of us, she possesses a radiance that keeps her steady. I'm blessed to have been introduced to her and to have her as part of my circle of friends now. I checked my email after lunch and I had an encouraging email waiting from a pastor friend of mine. In the course of the email he told me he's glad God made me just the way I am. Wow. It's been a good day. Those two small experiences combined drove me to sit down and write this, which may in turn provide encouragement to someone else.

If energy is neutral until it becomes personalized, this is the positive cycle that I want to become part of and contribute to. Thanks to all of you who are already doing the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this post. It's a great reminder to stay positive. Also a good reminder that we can decide how to let things affect our lives...we're not just sitting back subject to whatever negativity comes our way.

Good luck to you and Angela with the new decisions your making. Keep the blogs posted on whether or not you'll be seeing a baby in your future. exciting.

9:47 AM  

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