Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Journey Out

Angela swears that something is stirring in the cosmos right now that is making strange, counterproductive things happen to nearly every living breathing human being on the planet. Even more adversity than than usual. It seems like everyone is dealing with some type of serious stresser right now, and if it isn't finances or a job struggle, it's a smack in the teeth with a wayward baseball. Angela works in a pediatric dental office, so perhaps it's all relative. But I've noticed an increase in need too.

Two people have called me in the last two days looking for a group that struggling teens might be able to plug into. Both calls were from acquaintances of mine who knew of fourteen year-old boys who were gay and struggling with drugs, promiscuity, and thoughts of suicide, and they wanted a referral to a positive group that might help teens work through those issues. I mentioned Journey Out. It's odd that two people would call within forty eight hours of each other, looking for the answer to the same question for two people of the exact same age. Perhaps Journey Out is about to go through a growth spurt.

I doubt that these boys are alone, so I'm posting the link. Journey Out is loosely affiliated with Cathedral of Hope, but it meets outside of the church and includes a variety of faiths. Angela and I were guest speakers there a couple of years ago (as were a couple of other blog readers) and it's a warm, energetic group that has become a great resource for many GLTBQ teens who are just beginning to make peace with things.

Check it out if you're in Dallas, and if you're in another part of the world I hope you'll use it as a model to start your own teen support group.


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