Friday, May 05, 2006

In case you missed it

I hate to be an over-blogger and post this info more than once, but just in case this is the way to reach that one person who won't hear about it elsewhere...

This is a great event for GLBT students between 14 and 22. It's happening tomorrow night on the SMU campus from 8-midnight, and it's a hoot! 2006 GAYla prom. Come with a date or come solo. They're expecting between 300 and 500. It's a great way to meet people.

I'm hosting again this year and they asked me to prepare a few words to say. I think I might say something to this effect...

"Prom for me was a completely different experience. Picture me about 40 pounds heavier, these pastey white arms in a sleeveless, lacey, light blue, floor-length dress, before braces, hair in big loose curls but flirtin' with a mullet, trying to walk like I wasn't a linebacker in a tutu... and I was with a guy. THAT was the ugly part. But it's the way it was at my school.

This is a great opportunity for you to be you, and really love the one you're with. Or like the one you're with, depending on where you are in the relationship. Don't want things to move too fast. Just because we're gay doesn't mean we've lost our morals..."

Hope to see you there.


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