Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Toys for Tots rejects Jesus dolls

Did anyone see the story yesterday? A company that sells Bible-quoting Jesus dolls tried to donate 4,000 of the dolls to the Marine Reserves' Toys for Tots program and they were rejected.

A representative from the company with the Jesus dolls said, "Anyone can benefit from hearing the words of the Bible."

An official with the Toys for Tots said the donation was turned down because the program really doesn't know anything about the religious affiliations of the children who receive its gifts, and, "We can't take a chance on sending a talking Jesus doll to a Jewish family or a Muslim family."

Is it un-Christian of me to agree with Toys for Tots?

While I would love for any "tot" of mine to receive a talking Jesus doll, I really don't think that God is glorified by trying to sneak in a Biblical message next to a Talking Elmo. Perhaps it's just a difference in philosophy. I would rather see Christians lead by example and draw people in that way, rather than actively push messages onto people who may or may not wish to receive them. An evangelist I am not. And I think that is okay.

Toys for Tots distributes 18 million stuffed animals, games, toy trucks, and other gifts to children based on financial need each year. Doesn't that adequately display the grace of God in itself? Sometimes we're so focused on the details, we forget that the big picture already tells the story.


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