Friday, November 03, 2006

Constantly conscious

I feel sorry for people who go through life spiritually detached. I just think they're missing something. Feeling constantly plugged into God carries such a deep, deep peace. And joy that is unemotional but steady; meaning it doesn't feel like doing a Cruise couch jump, but is completely content being quiet and calm. It's happiness that continuously rumbles beneath the surface.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not able to fully acknowledge that presence. The days are busy. There are a million things to do. But this week I changed a few login passwords to words that have spiritual significance for me, so every time I type them it's a little tiny prayer and an additional moment of focus. And these passwords are really hard to forget.

There are probably a thousand other little things I could do each day to plug into God more squarely. But this is a step.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, Jen. There are times when I'm with a friend or acquaintence who ... let's just say ... don't know God's peace. That's not to say they are bad or evil ... but they are people who don't necessarily shout His name from the rooftops. And more times than not they're coming to me for advice or a listening ear or to vent about something that's troubling them ... and I find myself constantly knowing in my heart that if they just knew Him they would know peace. And it would sound so preachy for me to tell them, "you know, if you really had Jesus in your life, you'd be consumed with an indescribable peace that would help you more than I can." I have done this before - but I'm not sure how effective it is. When your foundation is faith and your foundation is God, it runs through every vein and seeps through every crevice of your life ... and that peace provides a security that's hard to put into words. It's like an underlying assurance that whatever happens, whatever decision must be made, whatever lies ahead ... everything will work according to His plan and everything will be OK. I can't imagine living w/o it. I'd rather not be alive than exist independent from His peace.

11:59 AM  

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