Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What I've learned in 2006

I told my mom in an email this week, that I've really felt a shift in my priorities this year. Perhaps it's not as much a shift as it is simply a discovery of greater meaning.

I've always known that God is going to use my life to spread more truth and love in the world. But in order to have enough momentum to clear the numerous humps along the way, God decided to shoot me out of a cannon! That insatiable drive and ambition is constantly churning, and it makes it awfully difficult to stop and smell the roses. But I'm slowly but surely learning to enjoy the "being" more than the "doing." Perhaps this cannon ball is slowing down. Okay, I'm not slowing down. Who am I kidding. It's just my perspective that is changing.

When we're on a mission, it's hard not to focus solely on that mission. But the satisfaction comes not from the mission itself, but from God's presence in the mission. That is constant and eternal, and it doesn't increase or decrease as we draw nearer to reaching our goals. It simply is. And therein lies the joy. This year I have realized the profound meaning in that.

So my priorities have shifted from career and extra-curricluar ambitions, to home and family. I've always loved my family and felt close to them, but I've always been consumed by thoughts of "doing." I don't want to let God down after all. But again, the joy is in the love of God in present moment, and not at the finish line. I think God puts family around us to constantly remind us of that.

I also noticed this year that God has become so infused with every part of my life, that God is not really a priority anymore. Before you think I've lost my mind, let me explain. It's funny really. My priority used to be to seek God. Everything I have done in my life has been rooted in that action. But now, God is so present in my life and has done so many things to show me how much I am loved and needed, that all I have to do to find God is to wake up in the morning and start breathing. I'm certain that God is there for each of us in this way, but it takes some spiritual maturity to really know it and own it. So in effect, God is not a priority anymore. Just as my eye color, my hair color, and my right-handedness are not priorities. They are just part of me and I wake up every day and take them with me as I go about my business. In the same way, God is here.

I wonder what will transpire in 2007. The foundation has been laid, and I am a willing servant. As far as I can tell, the sky is the limit. And now I'll be able to fully enjoy the journey.


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