Thursday, January 04, 2007

Craig Ferguson cracks me up

If I finish my duties at work in time, I'm able to watch Craig Ferguson's monologue on the Late Late Show. Last night he was cracking me up!

I'm hooked on his delivery and sense of humor and always find him amusing, but last night he seemed to be particularly "on." And contemplative! As he was poking fun at televangelists and other religious leaders, he made a great point. He excitedly stated, "You can't have certainty and faith at the same time! You can't have it! It's impossible!" And then he launched into several analogies that pointed out the inconsistency, and ended with, "It's like being fat and thin...." And then the shot of the pot-bellied guy with bird-thin legs popped up (with whom George Michael had had a rendezvous in the park), and the audience laughed and Craig moved on to the next subject. But it's true. Faith without doubt is not faith at all. Faith without doubt is just another modern convenience.

Another Craigism from last night's monologue..."When you talk to God it's praying. When God talks to you...that's schizophrenia!" Ha! Although I don't believe that's the case, it certainly feels that way at times.

Props to Craig Ferguson for not being afraid to get religious on mainstream television. And perhaps more importantly, props for using humor to point out how ridiculous we can be when we think we have it all figured out.


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