Thursday, May 18, 2006

Life has been crazy lately

I fully intended to sit down today and write a blog about the Da Vinci Code, but life is just too nutty right now and I can't focus. It's good nutty, but still nutty.

Let me recap the nuttiness first. Last week I accepted a new position within my company and I start on Monday. Praise God! This is the answer to a 6-month prayer, so I'm incredibly grateful, excited to begin, and in awe of God's work during the string of events that led up to it. To simplify, God had to say "no" to several other opportunities in order for this one to fall into my lap. I didn't like hearing "no" at the time, but now that I at least partially understand the reasons behind it, the "yes" is a whole lot sweeter. Go God.

Last night was my last night at 20Something. This new job will mean I'm working during the later part of the day and it's no longer possible to commit to Cathedral of Hope on Wednesdays. I'm sad about that. At the same time I'm looking forward to the next ministry opportunity that God will somehow work into my schedule. Scot and I shed a few tears last night after he said an amazing prayer. We swapped one of the best hugs ever. He will always be an important part of my life and I love him to pieces.

On the way to 20something, Angela and I were rear-ended on the Tollway. It was rush hour and traffic was heavy. The girl in front of us stopped so we stopped, but the girl behind us couldn't stop, and smashed into us from behind and pushed us into the girl in front of us. Then a fourth car hit the girl who had caused the accident. Everyone was fine, which is good news. Well, I should say no one needed medical attention at the scene. My shoulder started hurting last night and my shoulder and neck hurt today. Angela's lower back is sore too. So we'll have to see what to do with that. My vehicle was driveable so we made it to church, but something will have to be done about that too. I'm most upset about the Starbucks Frappuccinos that we lost in the chaos. They both went flying toward the windshield and spilled in all sorts of crevices. At least we had consumed half. Caramel Light Frapps. My fav.

Now I must prepare something to say at tomorrow night's charity event...Drink for the Dogs! I'm really excited about this. Proceeds benefit the SPCA. It's not about drunkenness and debauchery, before you get all out of whack. Proceeds from cokes and water will benefit the pups just as easily as the tequila shots. Casey Cheshier and Chelsea Baird have done and awesome job organizing, and I think we'll be seeing more of them at future events.

Let me say this about The Davinci Code. I loved the book and can't wait to see the movie. If Jesus were alive today, I really doubt that he would protest. He may or may not agree with it, but I think his faith was such that after he watched the movie he would probably go off to be alone with God, leaving the chaos and protests to those whose faith pushed them in that direction. That's just my opinion. If the protests are an effort to prove faith, I think they fail miserably. They do the exact opposite. They seem to scream, "My faith is so shakeable, this movie has put me over the edge!" I really don't think Jesus would have been the least bit rocked by a movie. Truth is truth, and he would have been content with that. Again, my opinion.

Tonight Angela and I are having a quiet evening at home. What a week.


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